Meet the designer: Yasmine's Enchanting Floral Journey with The Capital Flower Fairy

Meet the designer: Yasmine's Enchanting Floral Journey with The Capital Flower Fairy

Introducing Yasmine, the Creative Force behind The Capital Flower Fairy

Step into the enchanting world of floral wonders crafted by Yasmine, the dreamer floral designer at The Capital Flower Fairy. While she may not possess fairy wings herself, Yasmine wholeheartedly believes in the enchantment that Mother Nature bestows upon us, and she is dedicated to sharing that magic with everyone she meets.

Yasmine's journey began in Algiers, Algeria, a city steeped in the intoxicating fragrance of Musk-el-lil that fills the air during summer nights. It was within the heart of Algiers that Yasmine discovered her fervor for all things floral, from her grandmother's blooming balcony in the city-center.

Years later, having graduated from the bustling streets of Algiers, Yasmine now dedicates herself to adorning the city that witnessed her academic achievements, Washington, DC and beyond. Her floral creations are not just arrangements; they are unique installations that evoke a sense of wonder.


Join Yasmine on this floral adventure, where each blossom tells a story, and every installation whispers of the mystical allure that resides within the realm of The Capital Flower Fairy.


Photo by Margaret Lefton
Venue: Yours Truly Hotel

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